What's a Witch to Do?: A Midnight Magic Mystery Read online

Page 22

  As he says it, I believe him. With his arms around me, his heart pounding against mine, his warm breath against my exposed skin, I have faith for the first time in a long time. Faith in him. The sobs lessen enough for me to lift my head off his shoulder. He gazes down at me, his eyes filled with sadness. Not for long. The moment I meet them lust explodes out of me. If he wasn’t holding me, my legs would buckle. He doesn’t move. He can’t. His breathing stops from shock. “Adam … ” I whisper.

  His lips are on mine before I can say another word, soft and tentative then as hard and greedy as mine. I brush my tongue against his pursed lips. He opens his mouth to accept me in. Oh hell’s bells, can he kiss. He sucks on my tongue and the taste of him is better than chocolate. This isn’t enough. Not nearly enough. The hand running my fingers through his soft hair moves to his hardness. Me. I did that. The moment I touch it, he breaks the kiss and groans, eyes glazing over in ecstasy. My reprieve lasts only a second before those lips find mine again with fierce intensity as his hand tries to breach my top. The fucking dress it too tight. That doesn’t stop him. He rips the fabric right off and pushes up my bra, tongue finding my nipple. I almost orgasm right then.

  Even this isn’t enough for us. Not by a long shot. We fall on the bed, literally tearing each other’s clothes off. Before I realize it, we’re naked. Oh goddess, he is a sight to see. Hard muscles everywhere, flat stomach, and more than ample manhood. He’s gorgeous. Absolutely gorgeous. Then panic grips me. I’m naked and the lights are still on. I do not look good naked. I really don’t. Instinctively, I grab the quilt on the bed, but Adam’s hand grasps my wrist. He pins mine down and kisses me again, slow and lingering as if savoring the taste of me. I return the favor. His free hand runs a feather light finger from my knee upwards, moving a trail over the sensitive inner slope of my thigh into the core of me. I cry out in shock and pleasure, lost in a dream of amazing sensations, then again as another finger joins in. I’m so slick and ready for him. “You are so beautiful,” he whispers. I believe him.

  The fingers disappear. It’s a surprise, but nothing compares to the shock of his tip replacing them. He thrusts inside me, and I shudder. It’s been so damn long I might as well have re-grown my virginity. I’d forgotten what it feels like to be invaded, but it isn’t unpleasant. Adam tenses and looks down at me, concerned once again. “Did I hurt you?” he asks. “Do you want me to stop?”

  I grip his cheeks with my hands and look him dead in the eye. “Don’t you fucking dare.” I smile and pull his lips to mine again. He plunges in deeper, and I cry out from pleasure this time loud enough to wake the dead. Glorious.

  I get the hang of it very soon, and within seconds we’re completely lost in each other. My hips thrust to meet his strokes over and over and over again as I grip onto his luscious butt. The beautiful tension I feel grows and grows with each coupling overtaking my entire body and soul with its brilliance until I scream and shatter into a million pieces underneath him. He groans at the same time, his fingers tangling in my hair, spilling inside me.

  Then there’s nothing but stillness and silence except for our ragged breathing. I open my eyes and see him staring down at me, content and surprised at the same time. He rolls off me, out of me. I’m shocked by the void left in his wake. It feels unnatural. We lay next to each other, unable to do anything but catch our breaths for a few seconds. “That was … unexpected,” I say through the pants.

  “Yeah,” he says though his own. I hear him lick his lips and turn his head. I turn mine. Goddess, he’s sexy. “Want to do it again?”

  I take a few more breaths, then say, “Oh hell, yeah.” We both chuckle then do even better things with our mouths.

  What a night.

  Figure out what the hell happened last night

  Meowing wakes me. I blink a few times and see the Captain a foot away on the nightstand. Probably hungry. I’ll get up in a minute. Goddess, am I sore. I pull the arm around my naked body in tighter and close my eyes again, only to have them fly open with a gasp. What the …

  I’m naked. There is an aroused man pressed against me and breathing on my neck. The night’s events come back to me. The auction. The demon. Hospital. And … Adam. I had sex with Adam. Two, no wait, three times. I almost forgot that time we were half asleep, and I somehow ended up on top riding him like a bucking bronco before falling back asleep. My sore nethers tingle from the memory. The pleasure doesn’t last long. The Captain meows again and leaps off the nightstand, right on top of my pillow. Hell’s bells, it’s past ten. The girls, the shop. I have to get out of this freaking bed.

  Since I don’t have time for a long, awkward conversation, I gently lower Adam’s arm onto the mattress and slowly crawl out of bed. Even that hurts. I grab some clothes from the open closet and silently retrieve undies from my drawer before tiptoeing to the girls’ bathroom. I turn on the shower and wash the night away. The dirt, the mud, the stickiness from between my legs. Oh holy shit, we didn’t use protection. I bought the damn things then … ugh! After the trillion safe sex talks I gave to Ivy and Debbie through the years, it’d serve me right to get knocked up. For a second, just a second, I happily contemplate this idea but push the thought away. No. No. A baby is the last thing in this universe I need right now. First on the agenda is to whip up a prevention potion. Never had a dissatisfied customer.

  I don’t linger in the shower or over hair and makeup. When I creep back in, Adam is still asleep on his side with a tiny smile on his face and torso exposed. This sight stops me dead again. Damn is he sexy. Lust rushes down my spine, though it’s just a snowflake compared to the blizzard from last night. I could just slink back into bed and … no. Last night was last night, and today is today. Besides, I have no time. I sneak in and grab my shoes. The Captain, who has taken my spot on the bed, meows again. Wonderful. At least I know the potion to make him tolerate Adam is working.

  Adam groans and shifts. I freeze. He feels for me but finds only fur. I don’t wait to see how this ends. I scoop up my purse and run as fast as my sore legs will take me.

  I check over my shoulder for sexy werewolves as I scurry next door. I keep knocking until Auntie Sara opens the door and don’t wait to be invited in. “Hi! Did the girls get to school?”

  “Of course.”

  “Great. Good,” I say quickly. “Listen, I need your car for today, but I’ll bring it back tonight. Is that okay?”

  “It’s fine. Are you alright? You seem skittish.”

  “No. Fine. Just real late. I’ll be at the store until noon, and then the park until five. Adam will bring the car back around three. Um, I think that’s it.”

  “Okay.” She touches my shoulder right over one of Adam’s love bites, and I try not to wince. “Mona, are you sure you’re okay? Maybe you should take the day off in light of—”

  “I’m fine.” I kiss her cheek. “Thank you for everything. Love you. Bye.”

  I check to see if the coast is clear then make a mad dash to the car and peel out of the driveway. When the house is out of sight, I can breathe again. Damn, I hurt. Gonna need a pain potion too, though some of the pain is rather pleasant. I touch the mark on my shoulder and shudder. I have two others, one on my inner thigh and one on my breast. The second time went much slower, though it was equally mind blowing. There wasn’t an inch of me he didn’t kiss or touch like a maestro. I almost came with each mark he gave me, and did on the third one. Twice. I finally get what the fuss is all about.

  I park in the lot and power-walk to the shop. A few people try and chat about last night’s event, but I smile and walk on. I don’t feel secure until I’m in the shop. But he’s everywhere. The shelves are only half complete, and the store’s in disarray. It’s like a hurricane blew in and complicated every damn thing. I can’t even look at it without seeing him, so I run into the back to safety. I take three Advil and start on the prevention potion. There’s no real magic to it, just the right combination of herbs. I’ve just got them all together when the bell rin
gs. I tense and hold my breath. Please don’t be—

  “Mona?” Tamara asks. I literally breathe a sigh of relief. I have a feeling I’ll be doing this all day. She walks in, still in her apron, and gives me a huge bear hug. “Are you okay?”

  I pull away. “I’m fine. Just a little sore.”

  “What the hell happened last night? The whole town is buzzing.”

  I keep working on the potion. The sooner I take it, the more effective it is. “What have you heard?”

  “Just what was in the paper. That the rat bastard doctor freaked out on you, and when Clay, Bethany, and Adam went to check on you, a bear came out of the woods and attacked y’all. Clay fainted or something, and Adam hit his head and almost drowned. Erica heard you screaming, grabbed a gun from her date, and scared the thing away.”

  “That’s the cover story?” I ask with a raised eyebrow.

  “Well, everyone knows it’s not true. What really happened?” I tell her, leaving out the last part, and she listens with bated breath. “Is Clay okay? Adam?”

  “They’re both fine. More than fine, I’ll bet. Bethany was fawning over Clay at the hospital.”

  “Well, he did almost die. He should get something out of it.” She pauses. “So that doctor really did go off on you like that? Are you making a hex? No one would blame ya.”

  “Tam, after all that happened, I barely care.”

  She looks skeptical. “I know you really liked him and had a lot of hopes pinned on his lapel. No one should talk to another person like that. I vote hex.”

  “A project for another time,” I say with a smile. I mix the last herb in. “So what’s the bigger story? Me and the not-so-good doctor, or Erica and Smokey the Bear?”

  “About even.” She glances at the cauldron. “So is she off your suspect list now she saved your bacon?”

  “That and the demon didn’t look a thing like her. No, I have no doubt it’s Cheyenne. Demon even had her smile. I just have to prove it, and my last lead is buried at the country club. I’m screwed.” I drink the nasty brew and shudder. For once I can’t wait until my period.

  “Speaking of, where’s Adam?” she asks.

  My stomach clenches. “What? What—what do Adam and screwing, I mean being screwed, have to do with each other?”

  Her eyes narrow. “Nothing. I just meant he should be here. Cheyenne’s still loose and probably more pissed than ever.”

  “He died last night. He’s worn out. I gave him the day off.” I turn my back on her, hoping she gets the fact I have no desire to continue with this conversation. “I have a lot to do today. Can I call you later?”

  “Sure,” she says after a pause. She hugs me from behind. “Glad you’re okay.”

  When she’s gone, I fall into my chair with a sigh. Thank the universe I have a trillion things to do today. First I call Clay, but there’s no answer on his cell or at home. I try Collins, who tells me he checked out this morning with a clean bill of health. He must be at home asleep. I’ll pop by later.

  Next up I send a mass e-mail to the coven to tell them the demon is gone. I don’t get into details, since I’m sure they have them already. The e-mail to George Black is longer. Maybe now someone came to physical harm, the preter police force my tax dollars pay for will do their damn job.

  The bell rings and once again I about jump out of my damn skin. Damn. I force myself out there. Just customers, though they don’t want to shop so much as gossip. My scowl does the talking, so they soon leave. I manage to get a few online orders done before the bell rings again. More cousins looking for the skinny. After five minutes of incessant questions, Billie walks in to rescue me. She’s changed her hair to ketchup red since I last saw her and smiles as she walks in. I excuse myself, walking to the back room. The bell rings as the cousins leave.

  “This place is a mess,” Billie says as she comes in. “Hey, I heard. You okay?”

  I am getting sick of that question. “Fine. Listen, Alice will be in around one today. I’ll be in and out when I can get away from the festival setup. I’ll be counting on you in the next three days.”

  “And I won’t let you down. Are you sure you’re okay? You seem scattered.”

  “I said I’m fine,” I snap. The bell rings again, and Billie looks at me. Consider my patience gone. I mutter, “Goddess, just make them go away.”

  I roll my eyes and walk out. Two minutes of peace. I just want two stupid minutes—

  I stop dead, all color draining to my toes. My breath catches as it always seems to do around him. I wasn’t ready. I can’t handle this right now. Just hours ago those lips now pulled into a bright smile were on my most intimate places. Those eyes were full of awe and lust as they roved my naked body. Now as they gaze into mine, all mirth leaves them. His smile fades too. I can’t think of anything to say, I don’t know what to do, so I flee into the back room. Something to do, I need something to do. I need to get the hell out of here is what I need to do.

  “Mona, what the hell—” Billie starts.

  “Bank,” I blurt out. “I haven’t been to the bank. I have to make a deposit, and we need ones.” I rush over to the safe and punch in the code. Just as I stand, Adam steps in. I read his face, but can’t tell if he’s hurt or is just as embarrassed as I am. I can’t look at him, I can’t … I have to get out of here. “Hello, Adam,” I say as I grab my coat. “You’re looking well this morning. Billie, I have another million errands to run today. I don’t know when I’ll be back. I have my cell if things get crazy.”

  “O-kay,” she says, pierced eyebrow raised.

  I rush out of the room and worm my way to the front door. “Mona, stop,” Adam says coming behind me and taking my arm. “What is—”

  I spin around. “I can’t deal with this right now,” I hiss in a low voice. “I can’t be around you today. You need to stay in the store and fix this mess you made, okay? I will be fine alone. I’ll be surrounded by people today. Just … do this, please?” I pull my arm away. “I’m sorry.”

  He lets me go without protest. Don’t know how I feel about that. I don’t have a damn clue about anything anymore.

  Bank/Clay/phone calls/festival prep

  Bank: check. Gas up Auntie Sara’s car: check. Video store: check. Thousand phone calls while at Starbucks: check. Visit my best friend who I almost got killed: check. (He’s still really tired, so I make him a sandwich and let him nap.) Minutes spent at the shop: two, and Adam and I can’t even look at each other, let alone talk. Good.

  I give Billie the car keys to give to him before walking to the park where the vendor trucks are lined up and unloading their goodies for Friday’s festival. Mechanics are already building the Ferris wheel and carousel, while builders hammer away on the stage for the pageant. I find Mayor Magda yelling at a man with mutton chops at the concession area. As he leaves, I walk over. “Sorry I’m late.”

  “Mona! How are you? Are you okay?”

  If I had a nickel for every time someone asked me that … “Fine. Ready to work.”

  “If you’re up to it. I need someone supervising the games area.”

  “I’m on it.” Just as I get to my station, a familiar silver Mercedes parks across the street, and Erica climbs out. My savior. She eyes a few of the cuter workmen as she saunters into the park. The tens of thousands of dollars she’s spent to turn heads pay off as they return the favor. My fellow committee members Eileen and Yvonne all but run over to her.

  As they fire questions, she leads them to me. “Well, of course I was afraid, but I just pushed it aside. I couldn’t very well let three innocent people die.”

  “You are so brave,” Eileen says. “An absolute hero.”

  “Oh, please don’t call me that,” Erica says with fake humility. “I just did what anyone would.” She smiles, and I smile back. “Mona. How are you?”

  “Fine. Thanks to you.”

  “And Clay and your other friend?”

  “Both much better now.”

  “Glad to hear it.�
�� Erica turns to the women, all smiles. “I can’t stay long. I just came to speak to Mona. Will you please excuse us?” As if she’s my best friend, she slides her arm through mine and leads us to a more isolated part of the park. “You owe me six grand.”


  “Your doctor friend put a stop on his check this morning.”

  “I’m sorry,” I say.

  “I mean, really Mona, after all the preaching about black and gray magic, you’re so desperate for a man you compromise your morals?”

  “I didn’t. It was my nieces. I had no idea.”

  She pulls out her buzzing phone and begins texting. “Well, I don’t suppose your cousin would agree to honor his bid of four thousand for dinner, would he?”

  “What cousin? Clay?”

  “No, the cute one. Adam, I think his name is? The one who almost died? He was the other bidder.”

  Well, knock me over with a feather. “He was?”

  She keeps texting. “That’s what I heard. So, would he?”

  “I—I don’t think so. Sorry.”

  “Damn it. Well, this is why I have a lawyer on retainer. I’ll get her to call and scare the money out of that doctor. We broke a record, and I intend to keep it.” She puts her cell away. “And I assume you know the cover story? About the bear? It was the best I could come up with on such short notice, though everyone knows the real story. At least people can’t say I throw a boring party.”

  “I’m sorry,” I say. “For everything.”

  “For accusing me of trying to kill you? You need to send flowers for that one, hon.”

  “I know. I was wrong. It’s just, someone is trying to kill me, and they would have if it wasn’t for you. I don’t know why you did it, but thank you.”

  “Well, I couldn’t very well have a demon attacking my guests. It’s unseemly.”

  “Thank you just the same.”

  She nods. “You’re welcome. See you at the coven meeting. And try and stay out of trouble.” She nods again and walks away. That went better than I thought it would.